Recommend hotels

Recommend hotels

06 Hotels.001

Recommend hotels

Practicing for beginner students. Part VI.

Описываем гостиницы в рамках уровня Beginner.

Наш план:

a bar
a café
a restaurant
a spa
a swimming pool
a gym
a hairdresser’s
a gift shop
meeting rooms
a TV room

Используя эти параметры, описываем свою любимую гостиницу

It’s a small family hotel in Luxembourg.

There isn’t a café but there is a small beautiful restaurant on the ground floor.
There isn’t a spa and there isn’t a swimming pool.
The hairdresser’s and a gift shop are not far from the hotel.
There is one big meeting room and there isn’t a TV room.

То же самое можно сделать, описав большую гостиницу.

It is a big hotel in Frankfurt.

There are a lot of bars and cafés on every floor and even outside.
There are three big restaurants and they are very expensive.
There is a beautiful spa with a big swimming pool and a gym.
There are a hairdresser’s and a gift shop on the ground floor near the reception. 
There are 10 meeting rooms on five floors because it’s a conference hotel.
There isn’t a TV room.

Попробуйте описать ваш любимую гостиницу, используя данные параметры.

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